Monday 10 September 2012

JOUR 1111 - Lecture 7

Listening To: Send Me On My Way - Rusted Root
Wise Words: "I am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me" - Unknown

This week’s lecture looked at public media, a good comparative to last week’s lecture on commercial media. The purpose of public media is to serve or engage the public, and it is often a more reliable source for factual and truthful news.

Bruce talked about public media corporations such as the ABC having less bias than other outlets, which I also believe to be true. Instinctually, when looking at online news, I will visit news sites such as ABC or BBC first, or to ensure that I story I read elsewhere is in fact true.

However, I often get bored with public media on television, as their news shows do not engage me like those do on commercial media networks. Television programs such as The Project or Good News Week, although less factual and reliable than public media news programs, are more engaging and therefore I am more likely to actually take in what I am hearing.

Bruce also touched briefly on how channels such as ABC and SBS aren’t Government run; they are run by the people. This was an interesting fact for me as I always assumed that these networks were sponsored by the government. Better go and edit my post about last week’s lecture. This makes them less susceptible to media censorship, and although in Australia we do not have strictly censored media, it is a big issue in other parts of the world.

So let’s keep our fingers crossed that we maintain our right to uncensored media,

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