Sunday 5 August 2012

JOUR1111 - Lecture 1

Listening To: Biding My Time, All of This - Busby Marou
Wise Words: Forever is a long, long time. And time has a way of changing - Fox and the Hound

My first university lecture ever - cue awkward mid-year-er. Not yet equipped with an iPhone, and the wonderful UQ maps app that comes with it, I found myself hopelessly lost. After exhausting all my life lines, including an unsuspecting doctor I happened upon in the John Hines building, I finally made it. I was fifteen minutes late and totally flustered, but I had made it. After grappling with my desk for a few painstakingly uncomfortable moments, I finally settled in and attempted to absorb the words of Dr Redman.

I’ll admit that the whole lecture was kind of a blur; I couldn’t manage to calm my nerves enough to focus on anything much in particular. That was until four simple words slipped from Dr Redman’s mouth; “You are the journalist.” You, as in me? I am the journalist? To say the least, I panicked. And now, after having a few weeks to think about, I wouldn’t say I am any less frazzled. Does this mean that whatever I write (included these far from newsworthy blog entries) is considered journalism, what responsibilities come with this title, do I deserve it?

It seems every other student is happily and courageously embracing this ideal, while I sit on the other side of the room sceptically staring at it. And for the time being I am content to stay there, but I’ll keep you posted.


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