Sunday, 23 September 2012

BEHIND THE LENS: The September Issue

Listening To: "Ghosts That We Knew" - Mumford and Sons
My Mood:

The month of September is always a reason to celebrate. Why exactly? Well, it’s spring and with the change of season, a multitude of television shows return for new seasons.

Parks and Recreation: Returned September 20th
I am more ready than ever for a fifth season of Ron Swanson and the Department of Parks gang.

Castle: Returns September 24th
Last season went out with an absolute bang; Beckett’s mother’s case got deeper and more intense than ever, Beckett resigned from the NYPD, Ryan and Esposito’s friendship is in turmoil, and Castle and Beckett FINALLY sealed the deal. It will be interesting to see how all this is resolved in the upcoming season.

Hawaii Five-0: Returns September 24th
Now, last season’s finale was a whole new level of mental. Max is wounded, Danny faces losing custody of his daughter, Kono and Malia are kidnapped, and Chin Ho must decide which one to save. He chooses Malia, only to find her shot dead, Kono is dumped in the ocean and McGarrett heads to Japan to meet the mysterious Shelburne: who turns out to be his ‘deceased’ mother. There is obviously a hell of a lot to resolve here, and a lot of repercussions to deal with. Dis Gon Be Good!!!

New Girl: Returns September 25th
At the end of last season, Nick came close to moving out, but now the gang is back together for another season of hilarity. To kick it all off, a party in celebration of the removal of Schmidt’s penis cast. Charming.

iCarly: Returns October 6th
Now, although this doesn’t return until October, I am classifying it as a ‘late bloomer’. The return to the screen marks iCarly’s last return to the screen as we count down the remaining episodes till the series finale. It has been an enjoyable five year run for the tween (though not exclusively) sitcom, and I am beyond sad to see it end. The main thing I am looking forward to this season is for Sam and Freddie to rekindle their romance (Seddie), and it better happen.

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