Tuesday 6 November 2012

Forget About The Price Tag

Listening To: Clown - Emeli Sande
My Mood:
Recently, I have become VERY addicted to online shopping. The other day I bought a rug, a rug?!!

Online shopping not only offers garments at lower prices than stores but it also saves you the time and trouble of getting to the nearest shopping centre and wandering about. In my case, that is a very bad thing, it’s making it far too easy to squander my savings.

Nevertheless, I have made some great purchases, and only one item has not fit well, which are pretty impressive odds considering the amount of shopping I’ve done. The best part about it all though, is actually receiving the clothes in the mail. It feels like it is Christmas all year round!!

Here are a few of my favourite sites, most of which offer free shipping J

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