Monday 13 August 2012

JOUR 1111 - Lecture 4

Listening To: Jump Into The Fog - The Wombats
Wise Words: "Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting...." - Peter Pan

The first thing I took from Richard Fidler is that television and radio are two very different mediums, which work completely differently. He goes on to say that radio is a much more intimate medium, unlike tv, which is a high impact media that is almost shouting at you, radio almost becomes a voice in your head while you are undertaking another activity.

He also gave advice on the methods for telling stories effectively on radio. His main point is that you must make the listeners feel included; empathise with them, entertain them and capture the moment. Another point that really struck me was to never be afraid of silence, as silence is really powerful in radio; it’s truthful and revealing.

Steve Austin also touches on this point, saying that you need to give the audience some space to reveal themselves; rather than a constant bombardment of questions.

I guess silence really is golden,

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