Monday 13 August 2012

JOUR 1111 - Lecture 3

Listening To: My Kind of Love - Emeli Sande 
Wise Words: "Even bad years are pretty good years, I think" - Robert Downey Jr

Text media is the journalistic field that interest me the least, so it’s safe to say that I was not overjoyed about this week’s lecture. Never the less, guest speaker Skye Doherty still managed to keep me interested as she shared her professional opinions and knowledge about text.

“Text dominates online”

This is a questionable statement; I personally believe that currently text dominates every aspect of media, but it is online media that is seeing the biggest increase in visual communication. Although most online news is in text form, and short text communication site Twitter is becoming more popular than ever, these two sites still rely on visual aspects to make them great. And largely visual sites, Tumblr and Instagram, have gained great popularity in the past few years. So text may dominate right now, but is it the future of online journalism?

Skye went on the showcase how the Inverted Pyramid works; in which the most important information leads, followed by more specific details and then some general background knowledge. Then she went on to discussing headlines, which I often find are the hardest part about writing a story. I often find myself spending upwards of an hour simply staring at my computer screen trying to come up with a headline that screams READ ME! And I more often than not come up empty. Luckily for me, Skye garnered some helpful hints when it comes to headlines;
  • Don’t make the headline too tricky
  • Don’t use puns until you are more experienced
  • For now, stick to verbs and accuracy

I’ll let you know how that all works out for me,

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